Mount Gretna School of Art Benefit Auction
Mount Gretna Heights Building - Summer Studio MGSOA 20x20” oil on canvas. Lou Schellenberg. I’m please to donate these two paintings to MGSOA Invitational Benefit Auction
Counter Factual 11 3/4 x 7” oil on panel Lou Schellenberg
“Buy early" or place an absentee bid March 26th through 30th, or bid in person or by phone at the live Auction on March 31st.
Call 717-823-8367 for info
Where? Lancaster Galleries 34 North Water Street, Lancaster, PA 17603 // (717) 397-5552 with auctioneering by Hess Auction Service
When? March 26th through 31st, reception and sale is March 31st, 3 to 5:30 pm, Auction starts at 4 pm.
How's it work this year again? Two artworks* by each Artist will be on view from March 26th through 31st (auction on the 31st). Visitors may buy one-and-only-one of the two early at its retail price. This ensures that at least one artwork by each artist will be reserved for the auction. All artworks not sold early by midnight EST on March 30th will be reserved for the live auction on the 31st.
How to buy? Supporters have the option to "buy early"or place an absentee bidMarch 26th through 30th, or bid live in person or by phoneat the live Auction on March 31st.